Friday, November 24, 2006

Cyberman Dream

I am at work / college / call centre around table losing job / Ordnance Survey layout when I see a Cyberman appear to my left. I run out looking for more. Outside, to my left in an empty carpark are several cyber conversion modules. I run the other way. On the street everything is normal and I make my may back to West didsbury.

There is a commotion there as I glimpse some white clad robot men (Judoon?) coming out of someone's house. There are also police and ambulances nearby. I run across some gardens and up a street (hopefully) to safety. Later I hear that Leeds has been cordoned off and think that Manchester is also under attack.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Multidimensional Patterns

I was looking in a train station and thought about my video camera and how little footage I had acquired from my last holiday. I remember that there was something wrong with the battery and it was close to running out and I had only a few minutes raw footage. Then I saw a sliver of sunlight and wanted to go out. I imagined exploring and take pictures and video along the sandy part of a beach by some cliffs towering on the right.

As soon as I stepped forward I was on a train travelling through Barry and back to town. I wanted to get off but could not as the vehicle was now moving. It took no time at all to get from origin to destination.

Next thing I remember is sitting in front of my PC at home in Manchester. It was located at the other end of the room where it used to be 3 years ago. Sitting at the corner is Tim Skinner (although it may have been Deano at the start). I'm surprised to see him since we had that last disagreement over a camera swap. I'm surfing the web and come across an artist site. On screen appears a most beautiful, amazing and eerily impossible scene.

A moving image, an animated network of life, was pulsating through the screen bending parts of it through a third dimension yet rippling across other dimensions. It was mostly vivid green with subtle undertones of other colours underneath and was visually an abstract patchwork of triangles, triangular pyramids and inverted triangular polygons. The motion was indicating a life with an intricate variations of angle that could not be created by a piece of software. Motion occured in waves and depicted more depth and circularity to form normally requisite in a temporal sculpture. I was mesmorised by the swish and swirl of patterns of motion, forming, growing and exploding through (in and out) of the screen.

(Influenced by camera use or no use at raves, DMT reading/images, Tim Skinner and camera, 3D animation ideas, wanting to travel)

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Illuminating dreams 18/11/2006

Like to dream after reading about DMT. These are some of them:

I am travelling for an eternity around aroad network seeing things happen instantly and eternally from outside (like a 3D connected tube moving around and linked to a non-linear time, birds eye view).

A sequence of cyber implants / cybermen phasing / warning and running / spiral barrier, large dist covered and warn couple / into building like hospital - invasion and look for exit and look for it again / group of six look for camera (2 phones) but cant find video camera in bag - told to stop / amazing futuristic scene - building at impossible angles and slopes / ritual then hold someone and chant teleport spell to safe place / inside restaurant / 6-8 friends in back room / looking for my love and woman in front spreading and wanting sex. Refreshed and buzzing on wake up.

On the next day I am doing stuff at college, late and closing, bus journey and food, check for mould on scones then eat / turn into doughnuts - magnificent flavour / do not recognise route.

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