Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mushrooms / Prehistoric Dreams

Two dreams - the first one I had 3 days ago (on the 19th July) and the second one last night (the 21st July).

Dream 1 - I am outside with a group walking around the countryside of an unformed land. I wonder off towards a 15 foot wide river and look across. I can see some primitive looking amphibian type creatures on the other side. They are smaller than a man and moving slowly. I look in the water and see seeds of life. I decide to explore and travel across and down the current of the river (without recollection of walking or swimming). As I go further down and the river turns direction I see that the life is becoming larger and more advanced. There may even be dinosaurs ahead and some of the bumps in the river are looking like hard skin. So I turn back and look once more. I feel at peace but do not wish to venture back along the river again.
Interpretations - prehistoric park, evolution, scene in Celestine Prophecy

Dream 2 - I'm in a room with people that appears to double up as a festival and take some mushrooms or acid. It is dark and I feel the effects immediately. I see drawings of nature come to life. They are black and white and depict creatures of unknown description. I look up and move. Then I wake up and hear some music coming from a Giger poster to the left of my bed. The music increases in volume and I get up out of bed. Its dark but I cannot find the light and then realise that I may still be tripping. I think how am I going to get my work done. Then I realise that I may still be dreaming and walk into the livingroom thinking about how loud I can make the music. It is some minimal tribal beat and I try to make it deafening enough to burst my ears. As soon as it gets very loud I wake up - this time for real.
Interpretations - missing Glade festival, sound generated by snoring, a lucid nightmare?

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