Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dreamquakes and False Awakenings

I went to bed to get a couple of hours of kip in the evening. During this time I woke up several times and some of these times I woke up in other dreams rather tha in my bed at home. I remember a silver and gold bracelet with little blubs around it and belonging to a friend. Later I fished this out of a toilet in a house but the bracelet appeared to be a slimy stinking skin like that of a snake or lizard. I spent a few minutes analysing this before placing it into the bin.

Then I am inside my place but it is not anywhere that I have lived before. There are two rooms and I can hear the TV on in the more spacious livingroom when I sit in the bedroom. I look above my bed and see a crowd of fractal posters half hanging from the walls around my bed. I am annoyed at this disarray and rip off the left most one before it falls on top of me. I screw it up and place in the bin in the corridor.

Next I am at my Mum's place (too early for Easter I recall) and realise that the TV is an old brown 1950s cabinet without any features but the 14 inch screen at the centre is in colour. I ask her about this and she says it that her usual TV has gone. This reminds me of several devices of my own that have broken or are nearly breaking.

Now I am in a friend's place but there are stands of coathangers and unopened boxes all over the L-shaped flat. We sit on a sofa but I cannot get comfortable with all this stuff hanging around me. The I wake up very tired and rubbing my eyes I run into the livingroom. I am stunned because everything except the TV (which is on) has been stolen and the large window is wide open. This is the same flat that I was taking the poster down earlier. Then I wake up for real!

Comments: I left TV on in lounge in my flat, worry about finances and not able to pay rent, fear of moving or/and sorting out and having to sell things, TV at Mum's like one seen in Doctor Who, dream stitching and nesting like portals or dimensions in reality punched through by my mind (What the Bleep do we Know?!) BTW I left TV on in my flat.

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