Saturday, June 23, 2007

Dual Perspectives

This is part of a dream that I had about a week ago.

I'm indoors watching a virtual projection of someone performing a stunt from 2 small platforms (like diving boards) that are set at impossible angles and indeterminate distance from each other. The scene is too small so I zoom in and in the process become the person performing the stunt. This is occuring outdoors above a tall building whilst my body is inside and sat down.

By concentrating I slow down time and performing the twisting stunt as if in slow motion. At several points divided into fractions of a second my viewpoint switches from participant to observer and I get the feeling that I'm driving two bodies (people) simultaneously. Yet I can also detect the shifts of perception of parallel processing as discrete but very small moments of time.

Eventually I direct the jumping stunt from point 1 to point 2 in space and relax in my chair. I am aware that other people are present too.

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