Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Queen wasp and sex in the toilet

I am in a very large boardroom that is in a poor state of repair with gaps and cracks in the walls. There is a large (at least 10 by 5 metre table) in the centre. Various people are sat abound it. I am standing up and hear a buzzing sound. I look over to the window and see a massive wasp (with amber markings) enter through a large gap sitting directly on top of the window. It is at least double the normal size and bigger than a bumble bee. Oh no it is a queen wasp looking for a nest. Someone gets up and soes it away and opens the window to push it out. It gets angry and tries to get in through the window gap. Buzzing loudly it drunkenly enters and then shoots at the group around the table. I run for the door as people start to get up.

Then I'm inside a call centre and look around the desks. I am sat at one side and look over to my manager - a very pretty tall woman with a young plump face and curved nose. She is very tall and quite slim but with a good figure. Her hair is long and fair and reminds me of a call centre manager I used to fancy. She gets up and heads for the door to go to the loo. I decide to follow her out and walk out of the room.

I stand outside the toilets and find her sighing as if having sex. However, when I enter the toilet I find it empty and realise that the Ladies is downstairs. I run down and bust in. There is no floor. I realise this is a dream and see her on the toilet several feet below and to my right. I walk in the air and down towards her.

Then the scene jumps to her leaving the building after work (I run out and she has gone). Finally, I witness her having sex laying on top of someone (maybe on the floor in the office). All I can see is her legs and hips. With pants on she makes a thrusting motion with her hips and is groaning in ecstacy.

Comments: triggered by assessment yesterday, the woman looks like someone I worked with before, I felt turned on during and after the dream but frustrated that the lucidity dissappeared as soon as my sexual urge took over. This caused the jumping of the dream.

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Blogger Star Larvae said...

Lucid dreaming serves an EVOLUTIONARY function. The apotheosis of which is realized only in weightlessness. Sounds nutty? So did Einstein. Judge for yourself at http://www.starlarvae.org/Space_Brains_Lucid_Dreams.html


8:12 PM  

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