Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Metamorphic phenomena

I am in a room in a house with some other people and find my attention drawn to various inanimate objects in turn. For example, I see a metal statue of a bird and focus on its detail. The rest of the scene goes out of focus, but the outline of the statue remains in focus. However, its detail increases and changes including the viewing perspective. This moves from an off angle view at the left to a direct view in front. This happens as the small object becomes my whole field of vision. Simultaneously, the colour changes to that of a blue green parrot and the surface shimmers and moves as if it is alive and shape changing. The detail becomes alive and moves around the object as seen in an animation or movie but I sense that the object lacks soul and does not become a live bird.

Similar things happen to several other objects including a vase where the design comes to life. I fail to bring a face into view and panic a couple of times. Also, at one point I am laying on a sofa and can see an outline like that of my Mum's lounge but with the contents of the china cabinet missing as if the place has been burgled or made vacant. There is nothing but a wide vessel on a shelf in the multi-shelving unit seen directly ahead. The scene appears bleak and bare and has a surreal quality. The vessel when it fills my view flexes and widens and the dull blue-green colour swirls around its circumference. Then I wake up and things slowly come into focus and I am confronted with the same scene. Believing this to be real I get up and walk out of the room.

Later on I dream that I am at a friend's house and a grey-black cat approaches me as I sit up. It walks up me and I begin to stroke it. The friend tells me it is my cat that I have found and the cat turns over onto its back as I stroke it. One of its claws digs into my arm but it is only playing. It also smells musky and its fur is untangled like it has been outside for a while. Earlier I also remember being with a woman that I recognised as my girlfriend and at no point in any of this (or most of my other dreaming) do I identify myself with the name and identity of real life.

A lot of the swirling and morphining of objects may derive from playing Project Gotham Racing (affecting my vision) coupled with previous experiences using hallucinogenic substances. Waking in a dream like I have not left the dream may be a message about the rigidity of common reality. The cat may refer to Merlin the cat who I have not seen for a while.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Translocation Destiny Wormholes

I remember experiencing different locations including people's homes, travelling and work locations. Then I think that I can control the content and direction of my dreams (although I do not remember becoming lucid at any point).

I am choosing realities inside the dream by the force of my mind and visualise going through wormhole-like tunnels each time I choose to explore a new one. The tunnel swirls around and I get the feeling of moving forward and backward in time and across other parallel dimensions.

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Musique Non Stop

I'm inside a lounge and watching TV with some friends, one of which may be playing the guitar. A crazy live music programme is on TV featuring a 1970s rock band and a group of actors running around and doing miscellaneus things. I concentrate on the music and it becomes alive with patterns and rnythms. My eyes are focussed on the speaker on the left side and my attention is drawn in.

Now I am with the band and the speaker is now a black ghetto blaster in the corner of the room. The rock music evolved and I pass through the left side speaker. I feel that I am in the original room again. As I do so the speaker fills my vision and the grill melts away to reveal the room and an identical ghetto blaster in the corner. My attention passes through again. This happens several times until I wake up.

Comments: Recursion in dream, music becomes alive (although I quicky forgot the tune), bleep film (creating own realities from an idea or dream).

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