Saturday, February 03, 2007

Musique Non Stop

I'm inside a lounge and watching TV with some friends, one of which may be playing the guitar. A crazy live music programme is on TV featuring a 1970s rock band and a group of actors running around and doing miscellaneus things. I concentrate on the music and it becomes alive with patterns and rnythms. My eyes are focussed on the speaker on the left side and my attention is drawn in.

Now I am with the band and the speaker is now a black ghetto blaster in the corner of the room. The rock music evolved and I pass through the left side speaker. I feel that I am in the original room again. As I do so the speaker fills my vision and the grill melts away to reveal the room and an identical ghetto blaster in the corner. My attention passes through again. This happens several times until I wake up.

Comments: Recursion in dream, music becomes alive (although I quicky forgot the tune), bleep film (creating own realities from an idea or dream).

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