Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Girl Called Smell

I am in a party and see a group of people standing a few feet in front of me. It is sometime in the evening. I see a cute plump goth girl with hair dyed red with some black. She is dressed in black and about 5 foot six with a well proportioned figure. I approach her and remember kissing passionately and doing other things I believe in front of everyone. She tells me her name is smell. Then a group of us - 2 girls and 2 guys head off to go to another party. I remember that I need to pack some stuff and put some boots on. I have trouble with tying the laces and they dissappear. I try to carry 3 large bags of luggage but only manage one.

Then I run around the centre of what looks like London Euston looking for them. I find them entering the station gates and then realise that I need to get the rest of the luggage. I turn back and look at the screens. It is now 3am and I am frightened that they have headed off and that my adandoned luggage has caused a security alert. I try to find a direct route but find each door in a corridor containing identical upwards staircases. I chose one and run. Then I'm outside the station and run across a pedestrianised area to find the luggage. This is when the dream ends.

Interpretations: Desire for friends, a partner and acceptance. My luggage gets bigger and heavier the more I dwell and think about it. This could be a metaphor for my life and not letting things go / leaving them behind (Lesley/over analysing things). I need to use my intuition more and not let the smallest of things stop me from getting to my goals. The name smell is from a film I watched a few weeks back.

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Monday, July 30, 2007

Strange Happenings

I am travelling around several worlds in different ways. I remember waking up inside a large spaceship or cavern. Looking ahead I see my body laid in front - I think I was wearing a white top. I get up and approach the exit. Outside there is a blank vista like a desert. I walk a hundred metres or so away from here and look back. All I see is a large lenticular shape from a side profile with a small exit.

Then I find myself travelling with at least one companion down a series of underground tunnels and passages. This leads to an opening where I see a group of London underground style barriers and several dozen people behind them. They look over and the barriers open to let us in. There is a security guard behind us. I only move forward when he relaxes. Once I pass through the guard walks past and everyone appears friendly.

Interpretations: After an intense weekend of Harry Potter, paranoia, Lesley's vist and Dean's birthday I had to sleep a few hours more than normal. I believe that the dream and previous forgotten dreams earlier in the night reflect a transistion or rebirth from my unemployment and depressed phase to one of working and socialising. Things are coming my way but I need to work for them.

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mushrooms / Prehistoric Dreams

Two dreams - the first one I had 3 days ago (on the 19th July) and the second one last night (the 21st July).

Dream 1 - I am outside with a group walking around the countryside of an unformed land. I wonder off towards a 15 foot wide river and look across. I can see some primitive looking amphibian type creatures on the other side. They are smaller than a man and moving slowly. I look in the water and see seeds of life. I decide to explore and travel across and down the current of the river (without recollection of walking or swimming). As I go further down and the river turns direction I see that the life is becoming larger and more advanced. There may even be dinosaurs ahead and some of the bumps in the river are looking like hard skin. So I turn back and look once more. I feel at peace but do not wish to venture back along the river again.
Interpretations - prehistoric park, evolution, scene in Celestine Prophecy

Dream 2 - I'm in a room with people that appears to double up as a festival and take some mushrooms or acid. It is dark and I feel the effects immediately. I see drawings of nature come to life. They are black and white and depict creatures of unknown description. I look up and move. Then I wake up and hear some music coming from a Giger poster to the left of my bed. The music increases in volume and I get up out of bed. Its dark but I cannot find the light and then realise that I may still be tripping. I think how am I going to get my work done. Then I realise that I may still be dreaming and walk into the livingroom thinking about how loud I can make the music. It is some minimal tribal beat and I try to make it deafening enough to burst my ears. As soon as it gets very loud I wake up - this time for real.
Interpretations - missing Glade festival, sound generated by snoring, a lucid nightmare?

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Chinese Dream and Various bits

During a lot of the last week I have had several bouts of interrupted sleep. These are full of fragments of dreams and uncomfortable body positions / snoring waking me up.

I remember a dream where I was on holiday accompanied by a young Chinese guy. We walked about streets and shopping centres. I cannot remember where we were but it was definately not in the UK. Also, he seemed to vanish a few minutes before the dream ended.

Last night I dreamed that I was back at work at Ordnance Survey. I was shown around the place and was surprised at how much it has changed - a lot more open plan than I remember. Then I am in a shared house talking to some people before realising that I am late for a meeting. Its 10pm but by the time a grab my things it may have been 10:30pm. Then I look left and see the clock saying 11:30pm. This appears to be a reflection through a picture in my Mum's livingroom in Barry. I look at my watch and it says 10:30pm.

Ordnance Survey indicates desire to get back to work and preferably work that is stimulating. Confusion over time appears to be an issue either with my sleeping or trying to find the time to do all the things that I need to do. Maybe I need to do on holiday too.

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Call Centre Drawing / Swimming Dream

I'm in a training room for a new job at a call centre. There are several candidates around a large table in front of computer terminals. I sit down at the far end near the trainer. Someone opposite me is talking and the trainer asks him to leave. I assume that he is sacked on the spot.

Then we are given an exercise to draw a stick figure of the person to the left. We get up to get some paper and a pencil. All the pencils appear to be gone so I pick up what looks like a stick of charcoal. I sit down and have a brief look left. Then I start drawing. Instead of a stick figure I draw a rough outline of a person. Then I realise my mistake and start drawing a sketch of an upside down cat. It appears complete almost as quickly as I start. I look at it and feel good that I have drawn the cat so well. Yet is it not what was asked for.

Earlier on I was walking through a building to work. In front of me is a swimming pool wedged right up to the entrance and exit points. I jump in and swim over to the other side. On another occasion I somehow manage to cross without having to swim at all.

Interpretations - seeking work, bad memories of strict call centres, tendencies to be distracted and do more than or different to what is asked for. Also I feel that I need to exercise more.

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