Sunday, December 31, 2006

Angelo getting married / Dolphin poster

Dream 1
I dream that I have just heard about Angelo getting married in the near future. This may have been by text or from a friend. I think this is surprising but quite odd.
This dream caused by a paranoid Lesley who keeps on talking about him.

Dream 2
I am looking at a poster and and see an article or hear a conversation about the size of an advert gaining most sales. It is an article about the biggest advert ever. I notice a full colour (mostly blue) image of two dolphins jumping above water at night. It is like a new age poster of two dolphins dancing in the air.
Possible triggered by Star Trek 4 / Dolphins / Advertising helps but does not guarantee sales.

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Thursday, December 28, 2006

X-Mass Dreams

Saturday December 23rd: Allegis

I am doing an assessment at an office. A lady comes around to check what I am doing. She speaks to the person on my left and then I prepare a comment about customising the graphics from a spreadsheet. It is a 30K / year job starting from mid January.

Saturday December 23rd: Ground Zero / Music

I am in a lecture theatre and the lecturer is rambling on about buidling foundations of world trade centre. Then a lady comes over with alcohol in little cups. This runs out on my row (there are only three of us sat there). She gets more and I taste it. It tastes of sweet cough mixture!
Then I see a stage with keyboards set up in front of me and I imagine Judd playing several of them. Two people are getting ready to play stuff. I feel like I need to network and get to know people better. I think it was Man Uni at lunchtime.
I think time is running strangely. It is past 1pm yet the lecture only 1 hour (started about 10am). Time flies. I ask someone about the start of the lecture (I missed part of it) and was told it was about the building.

Sunday December 24th: Party Burglers

I am with some friends at night on a concrete rooftop / concourse. We are having a party and smoking. It is very pleasant and tranquil. I go inside the house and see that the skylight window is open. I try to reach for it but it unfolds further open as if the wind has caught it. I grab it on the handle, pull it in and then my hold slips. The window folds out backwards and almost breaks off. It is left flapping outside.
Then I enter the kitchen (window open like Clarendon Road) and bump into two people. I am between them and the window. One is a shortish guy (about 5 foot 9 inches) with short black curly hair and about 20. The other is a woman but she hides in the darkness outside the kitchen. They are burglers but he is carrying nothing. I continue to block his way to the window.
(scared of burglery occurring when away)

Tuesday December 26th: Shamania UFOs

I look through the window (like kitchen window in Barry). I see some pretty amber lights launched into the sky from over the horizon. They move and drift upwards. I rush to find my video camera and go outside. Now there are more of them but they are smaller and higher in the sky.
(Like Shamania balloons, saw lanterns launched on TV later in day like these)

Wednesday December 27th: Spliffmass

I remember shopping for something (girls?) and am in a store like Boots looking around. I cannot find what I want. Now I am at home in Barry looking at my computer screen doing a project and smoking some pot. I feel that I have finished the work and continue onto something else. Then a couple of friends talk about taking a break and that I need some rest. I look over from the screen towards them.
Then I am sat outside with my grinder, some weed and my paperwork. I pick up a long piece of weed from a bag and strip the leaf from the stalk before placing it into the grinder. The grinder, is now full and I grind the contents. It is quite easy and I am surprised at the lack of resistance. However, when I open the grinder I find there is only a small amount in (about 2 spliffs worth). Then I see a small compact bit and touch it. It feels odd and spongy and smells funny as if it is mouldy.
I roll a spliff and am aware of people passing by. I realise that I am sat at a table on the side street in town and feel exposed. I make a feeble attempt to hide the stuff but do not feel scared.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

You Are A Star

I am outside and start talking to a girl. She is tall, pretty with fair long hair and is wearing a long dress. The imagery is ephemeral and she dances before walking towards me. We stand a few feet apart. I can tell when she has a strong feeling as I can see her flare up like a star and bathe me in light. I am mesmerised and feel like she is like the Sun.

Interpretations: This dream cross-correlates with Trance Gemini as avatar of the Sun and is also a metaphor for Lesley who I nicknamed Trance Gemini because of her love of Trance and her Gemini star sign. She also has a star tattooed between her shoulders.

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Friday, December 15, 2006

Minge and missing flight

I am reading a written report and several pages in I find the word minge. I find this unusual because I believe it not to be a valid word in the dictionary. Then I close the report.

I am on a train leading to Barry or from Barry and cannot remember where my friends are. I think I am heading to an airport to get a flight to America. Then I am with some friends or family at an airport waiting for a flight and cannot find my luggage. I then look around and cannot find where they are gone. I look around and panic thinking that I have missed my flight. I ask several people then someone says it is due to leave in 5 minutes. I try to find the departure gate but there appears to be no departures or planes in sight despite seeing this earlier on. Then I see a member of staff jogging out of a side door and down a hill. I follow him down a path and there appears to be a train station below. However, I do not see an airfield and end up heading into the country.

By the way the word Minge means Vulva. Also I believe that I had the airport dream twice sequentially but without the jogger on the first occasion.

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Leaking Batteries & Design Job

Dreams over the last 2 days (8-9 December):

(1) I was taking out 2 1.5 volt batteries from a remote control only to get sticky fluid all over my hands. This battery fluid was more like glue and did not hurt. This reminded me to take out my alarm battery.

(2) I started a new job in a design company and sat down at a large rectangular table with 3 other workers. I remember looking through a portfolio and was surprised to find pages of detailed sketches of objects from Torchwood. In particular I looked at a page that had illustrations of the knife seen in the first episode. There were different designs and perspectives indicating the amount of effort and detail that went into this work. I looked at one of my colleagues sat on my right and I got the impression that I was to continue this work. Whether we were working for the Torchwood series itself I do not know.

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