Saturday, March 31, 2007

Dreams 30/3/07 & 31/3/07

30/03/07 - Dimensional Shift Mushroom Trip

I am in a room with a group of other people at a party. Someone offers me some mexican mushrooms. I take them quickly without seeing the mushrooms themselves. Immediately the room expands and pulses with energy and things shift. Colours become more vivid, especially blues and reds and objects gain a shifting almost Picasso-esque quality.

Then everything changes and a new scene pops in. This is of a natural environment where I am walking through a forest at night. Points of light shed brilliant and bright colours and as I roam around I feel a sense of peace and tranquility. There is no time and my consciousness is embedded in eternity. All around me the trees and lights pulse with energy as I walk and it feels like a real and very potent trip.

Then I wake up, turn over and go back to sleep. I attempt to return to the dream. However, when I think that I am back there a bright red blazing neon African style icon of a man or deity fills my vision and my dream is terminated.

Meanings: Getting out of reality/exploring dimensions. Later on I call someone whom I have not been able to contact for a while and am invited to a party next weekend.

31/03/07 - Ageing Perspective Shift

I am in a building and feel that I am getting old. Physically, I age faster and ask a scientist (or shaman) if there is any way of stopping this. He gives me a couple of balls of gloopy gel and tells me to wait until I am about to die to beome younger. Then I realise that I am a woman and get older very fast. I ask what I would be like he tells me I would look like the moment he handed the gel to me. Oh no I think I don't want to be a 60 year old woman with short greying hair. Also, I could keep doing this. Then I feel that I do not want to become another Lumic (and my brain in Cyber body showing immortality momentarity enters my mind).

Its time and cupping the gel in my hands he leads me through a kind of theatre and I follow across pews of chairs. There are people there and one shouts and tries to stop me. It is hard keeping the gel in my hands. Trying to run with a frail body I ignore this and find that we need to descend a steep spiralling staircase to darkness. After stepping down one step we enter a hallway and with the last of my energy I lurch forward and touch a bright blue energy light in front of me. I feel 100 and as soon as my gel touched the light I die. I wake up.

Then I go back to sleep and find myself detaching from a male body like the one I had originally in the dream. This is on a spaceship. My consciousness moves away to a screen and I see in horror as everything is burned by radiation and cannot bear to look back. I run around the room (now large like a hall) avoiding the screen. I know the man, now given a name like a creature, is alive but grossly disfigured. The show ends and a preview of the next show is on. I realise that I am female again and end up in a bedroom like mine at my Mum's in Barry.

Meanings: Triggered by Star Trek : Metamorphosis (about Cochrane and The Companion) that I watched just before going to bed. Also Lazarus experiment (new Doctor Who). Interesting how my mind shifted between male, female and without body.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Jobs and Girls

Three dreams:

(1) Flesh entering myself so that my right hand becomes tucked into and fused into my arm

(2) Finding out that I have a job without interview, attending job, controlling temper, at call centre but appears to be temp. When am I to work next.

(3) At bar with some people in Leeds. Lesley there but I become interested in tall well built brunette with long hair (tied up) who is sat by us. She says she is Lesbian. Then leave pub. I need to go back to Manc. Walk via their halls and in room talking. Get closer to girl (touching) and then other people fade into and out of existence. Walk into kitchen and wonder back.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Ageing and strange sex

I'm with group of people in a room all ageing rapidly and I decide to leave and force my body to become younger. Then I wonder around complex hoping to not find skeletons.

Now I'm with group in some sort of orgy. A woman's head becomes shaven with enlarged cranium and I see profile of penis as she bends down beneath me.

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Friday, March 09, 2007

Floating Chair Dream

I am with a group of people in a lengthy process of transfer within a building. This may be an airport or at a museum. After going up or down an elevator for a seeming eternity, I am second out following a woman. We enter a very large room at the right (over 50 foot long and 30 wide) and I see the lady sit in a chair which then moves forward by itself. I sit in the second chair and belts strap me down. It moves forward and sideways then up a little. It propels me slowly around a loop in the room and raises 3-4 feet off the ground.

When the hovering chair takes me near the window it turns and something cuts through the wall in two places. I turn to look and there is a fine incision straight through the brick wall. There is no cracking or structural damage. The chair then takes me to the door at the end (top right of room). I look back and the other people are only just entering the room. I realise that we have a long time to wait before we can proceed further.

Taking things to easy - transport without effort and nothing done. Cuts in wall show how little achieved and the whole process slow and methodical with no result in sight (just like my job hunting).

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Succubus and Dr Who / Star Trek

In the last few days I have had various dreams including having sex with a beutiful woman who turns into a reptile (acting like a succubus trying to drain energy). Also, I dreamed of watching various episodes of old Doctor Who and some Star Trek (including a variation on first contact before meeting the Borg).

Too much TV, David Icke and succubus searches on YouTube. Also anticipation for new Doctor Who series and time travel series (including Primeval and Seven Days).

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